Sunday, March 14, 2010

Why I Love My Mom

Well, there are really lots of reasons.  But what i'm really grateful for today is that my mom is there for me.  I kind of made her into my go-to person during panic attacks, and she never really got a say in it.  But you know, when i don't feel well (and lets face it, during attacks i REALLY do not feel well) or when i'm feeling like life is too hard,   i still really just want my mommy.  I don't think that goes away with age, or atleast not yet anyway.  Last night i had a horrible unexpected attack, the worst one i've had in a really long time.  I had to do something or i was going to lose control, and even though i knew it was 5 am there, i needed to call my mom.  I've only done that maybe 2 or 3 times ever, and i always feel horribly for it.  But in the moment there seems to be no other choice.  She picked right up and talked me down, the way only a really great mother could.  So i just want to publicly say how great my mom is for putting up with all my physical nonsense and making me feel better.  Thank you Mom!

1 comment:

Polka Dot Craft Parties said...

Moms never tire of hearing it! I hope I can always be there...that's my plan. I love you too.