Hi Ho the Dairio, a hiking we will go! While Stacey was out of town helping her sister out with the cute new baby, I had to find ways to keep the boys occupied. We ended up with some nice weather and Rodney suggested we go hiking on the "Billy Goat Trail". Its starts out as a nice walk down the canal...which extends all the way from DC to Ohio. *Take note, i would like to bike this one day...i heard it can be done in a week...anyone want to go?* The scenery was beautiful. Warren let me know he would teach me how to hike...since i didn't know how. Here is a little filmage from our adventure. David and Warren are fearless on all of those rocks! David had to have a little help from one of us from time to time. After all, he is barely two.
I was not prepared for how rocky the trail is. As you can see from the pictures, alot of the trail actually went over rocks that we had to climb. It was seriously so much fun and there were beautiful views. The water was emerald green. Who knew that a place so beautiful existed right outside of DC?
A candid shot of Rodney and David on the trail.